Tuesday, May 02, 2006
"Pink" is Just a Colour......!!!

And this is SO my bestest side...
I dunno what YOU fink,
And by the way, me headcollar...
Is...(according to SOME!)...NOT pink!
Fat Orange One said 'magenta',
Little Black One said 'cerise',
I 'spose they're being 'helpful' but..
I just wish they'd all leave me in peace!
Me mum chose it 'specially for me,
'Cos she thought it would suit me quite well,
But some of me friends think it's 'funny',
(And a little bit 'poofty' as well!)
I really don't mind, 'cos I reckon...
Blue & green are a bit overrated,
I'm 'different', I'm 'special', I'm even...
Fully 'colour co-ordinated'!
Me bucket's sort of pinky lilac,
Me grooming kit is 'Barbie pink',
Me summer wardrobe's 'dusky rose',
Me leadrope's 'fuschia'...(I think!)
But all that matters in the end,
Is me mum telling me I look 'fab',
And I'd much prefer to 'stand out in a crowd'...
Than be ordinary, boring & drab!
And at least MY stuff is new & clean,
And whispered wherever I go...
Is "She MUST spend a bl**dy fortune...
On that lucky so-and-so...!"
So, the moral of this story...
(From what I've seen & heard!)
Is that colour doesn't REALLY matter...
And 'pink'...is just a WORD!!!
How to Spot a "Childproof Pony"!
How to spot that rare & elusive creature...the "bin there, done that, got the t-shirt", completely & utterly "childproof pony"!

Child is sulking for England...
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child is sulking for England...
Child is now slumped defiantly on pony in "sack of spuds" position...
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child is sulking for England...
Child is now slumped defiantly on pony in "sack of spuds" position...
Child has now dropped all rein contact & pretence of riding & is just sitting there glaring...
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child is sulking for England...
Child is now defiantly slumped on pony in "sack of spuds" position...
Child has now dropped all rein contact & pretence of riding & is just sitting there glaring...
Child is now mouthing "I hate you, I hate riding, I hate everybody"....
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child finally gets off pony, flings arms round his neck & says "I love you..."
...Pony says "There, there...I know you do...I love you too...now where's me tea?!"

Child is sulking for England...
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child is sulking for England...
Child is now slumped defiantly on pony in "sack of spuds" position...
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child is sulking for England...
Child is now slumped defiantly on pony in "sack of spuds" position...
Child has now dropped all rein contact & pretence of riding & is just sitting there glaring...
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child is sulking for England...
Child is now defiantly slumped on pony in "sack of spuds" position...
Child has now dropped all rein contact & pretence of riding & is just sitting there glaring...
Child is now mouthing "I hate you, I hate riding, I hate everybody"....
...Pony is walking forwards, ears pricked, not remotely concerned...
Child finally gets off pony, flings arms round his neck & says "I love you..."
...Pony says "There, there...I know you do...I love you too...now where's me tea?!"
Sometimes You're Just NOT in the Mood!

"Oh, DO come on pony...even a JUDGE can move quicker than THIS...& THEY"RE usually about 95 years old...& walk with a stick!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever...keep your hair on...I'm coming, I'm coming!"
Nope...Not in the Mood AT ALL!!!

"Don't you WANT to be a show pony?"
"Err...nah...not really...bored now...mmm...leadrope...tasty!"