Tuesday, August 08, 2006
LBO - Ever Hopeful & as Endearingly Vain as Ever!
LBO: "What's that you say......a talent scout......ooh, where?"
FOO: 'Oh, yeah, *ahem* just over there, see him?"
CB: "Err, isn't that the bloke who brings the straw?"
FOO: *slyly* "No, no, that's definitely a talent scout!"
LBO: "Is he looking? Is he looking this way? Can he see me?"
CB: Err, what's your child doing - it appears to have fallen over or summink?"
LBO: "Eh, what? Child? Um, oh, child is fine........! Is he still there FOO? Is he still looking?"
FOO: "Oh, absolutely.........yes.........looking right at you!"
CB: "Err.......child........?"
LBO: "Child is FINE......she's still there isn't she?" *voice trails off* "Oh, he's gone, the talent scout has gone.....!"
FOO: "Oh what a shaaaaame! Better luck next time, eh?"
LBO: *hopefully* "Do you think he'll call back......phone......ask for photos..........?"
FOO: "Oh, sure to LBO..........sure to.........anyway............err, what IS your child doing?"