Friday, June 02, 2006
"Dope on a Rope?" - "Moi?" - "Yeah...Right!"

Yes, I may be coloured & yes I am a cob,
This doesn't mean however...
I'm a typical 'armchair' blob!
I have a lot of good points but one thing that I ain't,
Is one who could be safely described...
As a 'total little saint'!
I've heard myself described as an 'awkward bl**dy git',
And everything else from 'utter troll'..
To 'absolute little sh*t'!
(Me mum loves me though - I mean look at her, sitting there grinning from ear to ear, so i can't be THAT bad, can I?)
I don't see why I should conform, I'm happy as I am,
If I pretended to be something I'm not..
I'd be a total sham!
What you see it what you get...& there's very little hope...
That I'll ever hear myself desribed as...
A 'typical dope on a rope!'