Saturday, December 03, 2005
"Why Not Me?" a poem by Small White Useless One.

I KNOW I can't DO very much
And I'm unfit & I'm podgy,
I KNOW I have a damaged eye
So my sight is fairly dodgy!
I KNOW I'm rather headshy and
I'm too scared to be ridden,
I must have SOME good qualities though,
Perhaps they're just well hidden!
I KNOW I'm pretty nervous
But I still feel sort of lonely
When I see the others having fun
And sometimes think..."If only"!
But then, one day......
My owner fetched me from my field
And tied me up & said,
"There you go then, she's all yours"
And standing by my head......
Was a little girl!!!
She groomed me very gently
And told me I was "sweet",
She brushed & combed my mane & tail
And picked out all my feet.
I WAS a little nervous
And I hopped about a bit,
So when she came to put me back,
I thought, "Oh well, that's IT"!
She led me back into the field
And turned to shut the gate,
I watched her go & wondered if
For me, it WAS too late.
But no, the next day......she came back!!!
And two months later, here I am,
A much-loved, WANTED pony,
I'm not so scared or headshy now
And not REMOTELY lonely!
She comes to see me every day
And I'm happy now, you see,
'Cos that small girl calling to her pony,
Is calling ME!!!
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Wow I wish you was my Mum! All ponies & kids look well cared for and happy and your "stories" are just fab!
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