Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fat Orange One on "How to Behave at Shows"!

It is nearly 4pm & as the ponies are beginning to wander down towards the gate, Fat Orange One sees the opportunity for a bit of a "self-promotion" moment, while they pass the time waiting for the girls to appear!

FAT ORANGE ONE: *to LBO* "Pssst! Shall I tell stupid over there about my recent shows, then?"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *graciously* "Yes, why not? I should like to hear about them myself! I may not actually partake in them anymore but I still like to stay in touch, as it were!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: *to CB* "'Ere, listen to this! D'ya wanna hear about my showjumping?"

COB BLOB: *wanders over* "Cor, yeah!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "Well, we went in the trailer, got out the trailer, got tacked up, put my boots on, got booked in, went in the warm-up area, watched some rounds......"

COB BLOB: *whispers to LBO* "I fink I'm lost, he's goin' too quick...!"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *whispers back* "It's ok, he just wants to get to the EXCITING bit!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: *right on cue* "......And then it was MY turn!"

COB BLOB: "Blimey, what happened then?"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "Well, I jumped ALL the jumps, in BOTH classes, TWICE! Didn't knock ANY down! I got TWO rosettes! I was SO clever!"

COB BLOB: "Cor, that's brill, that is! You must be BRILL at showjumping!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "Well......"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *quickly interrupting* "Yes, you were QUITE marvellous but why don't you tell CB about the OTHER stuff that goes on, the waiting around in the dark & the cold, the......"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "Oh, yeah, yeah, all right then! Well, you have to be REALLY well-behaved at shows see, like I am! I'm a 'little star' me, they're ALWAYS saying it, so I KNOW it's true!"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *encouragingly* "Yes, tell him what it's REALLY like, go on!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "It was REALLY cold that night, bl**dy freezing actually, pitch black, POURING with rain, icy wind whipping round my backside! My poor rider had a REALLY drippy nose, her hands were bright red & I think she was even snivelling at one point, she was so cold......"

COB BLOB: *hesitantly* "Err, was that MY little girl? I don't fink I like......"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *hissing at FOO* "Move on with the story, you idiot!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "Eh? Oh! Right! Well, anyway, the wind was whipping the flag on the big pole around, THAT spooked one or two of 'em, one horse was leaping about & neighing all the time & at least ONE banged into me when it got scared & ran backwards!"

COB BLOB: "Blimey! Wasn't YOU scared of the flag thingy?"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "No, I've seen it before, I'm used to it, it doesn't bother ME at all!"

COB BLOB: "What about when they bashed into you? Did you kick 'em?"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "NO, you must NEVER do that, you keep out of the way if you can but if they run into you 'cos they're being silly, you HAVE to try & keep your temper & not react! That's training that is, training & manners! I'm like a police horse I am, I can cope with ANYTHING!"

COB BLOB: "Cor, I'm impressed! I dunno if I could do that! Could YOU do that, LBO?"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: "Well, you should ALWAYS try to remember your manners, certainly! No kicking allowed, for a start! And it can get VERY crowded, so you really have to keep your wits about you & have the sense to move out of the way if you need to! And learn to STAND STILL, your people REALLY appreciate that & it's a lot harder than it sounds, just standing around doing nothing!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "He's right, it IS!"
*puffing himself out proudly*
"The freezing rain came lashing down
And soaked the both of us,
I braced myself against the wind
And never made a fuss!

I waited quietly for my turn
And when......"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *quickly* "Thank you, thank you, we get the picture!"

COB BLOB: "Cor! You're so BRAVE! How long d'you have to stand around like that then?"

FAT ORANGE ONE: *casually* "Oh, for hours & hours!"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: "But it's not ALL bad, is it? And it's worth it at the end of the day, when you DO finally get to jump!"

FAT ORANGE ONE: "Yeah & they're SO proud of you when you behave, especially in weather like THAT! I thought I'd have no mane left, your little girl gave me that many pats, neck rubs & strokes! She must've told me I was a 'good boy" about a million times, they ALL did!"

COB BLOB: *thinking intently* "So there's more to it than just jumping then, LBO?"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *openly to CB* "Well, that IS what all your training's for! It's about teamwork, doing your best, making them proud, giving them a good time & trying hard not to let them down, no matter WHAT the conditions!"

LITTLE BLACK ONE: *very quietly to FOO* "But I DID enjoy having all those dozens of rosettes pinned on my bridle too! I'm not SO old I can't remember what it feels like to stand at the top of the line-up, everybody clapping, cantering proudly round on the winner's lap of honour, I never tired of it you know, all those shiny trophies......ahh, there's my little girl now, best go!"

*LBO marches slowly off towards gate, stumbling very slightly now & again under the strain of his wobbly knee*

COB BLOB: *whispers kindly to FOO* "Aww, poor old guy, look at him! D'ya fink HE ever won anyfink FOO?"

FAT ORANGE ONE: *gently & patiently* "A bit CB! Yes, I do believe he won a bit! Don't you worry your head about HIM! C'mon you daft thing, there's our two now as well, calling for us, best not keep 'em waiting, eh!"

*FOO & CB wander quietly down to gate together, ready to join LBO for tea, quiet thoughts & sweet dreams!*

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