Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ponies on Parade, an Introduction to Our Motley Crew!

Introducing Little Black One & his friends!
Little Black One is a 13hh Welsh sec B, somewhere in his 20's, who belongs to my youngest daughter!
The world's biggest diva & attention-seeker, he is capable of & prone to, fits of sulking on a galactic scale if he feels he has been badly done to but is also the most loving, affectionate creature on the planet towards those he knows & loves!
Hobbies include:
Working out naughty things to do whilst not actually appearing to BE naughty, emitting unpleasant & embarrassing gastric odours & noises at the most opportune (for him!), or most inopportune (for whoever's on the receiving end!) moments, bribing small children to groom, pat & cuddle him by managing to look old, pathetic & deeply unloved by ANYONE at the drop of a hat & teaching said small children to ride!

Partner in crime Fat Orange One, is an equine Tigger, a happy, bouncy, life-is-for-living type who belongs to my eldest daughter.
An 18yr old, 13.2hh strawberry roan, he is of the 'bin there, done it, got the t-shirt' variety who will merrily join in with whatever's going on at the time!
Hobbies include:
Showjumping, chasing rabbits out of his field, eating & being cheerful!

Cob Blob belongs to my middle daughter, a 10yr old, 14.1 blue-eyed, piebald cob with attitude!
Cuddly, slobbering teddybear to his young owner, everybody else is treated like something he's stood in!
Hobbies include:
Anything involving wide open spaces, anything that involves splashing in water, anything that involves going REALLY fast & eating!!

Finally, we have Small White Useless One!
An 11.2hh Welsh sec A mare & our newest acquisition, who is learning how to be a 'proper' kids' pony, as she has had very little done with her in her 7yrs so far!
Hobbies include:
Eating, being groomed & taken for walks by youngest daughter & working on being SO cute she can't POSSIBLY be viewed as useless by ANYBODY!

Well, that's our gang! All different, all special, all keep us on our toes!
Hope you will enjoy reading about what they all get up to in the coming weeks!

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