Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Little Black One's Thought for the Day - 'Just Because I'm Old.'...!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean I don't appreciate new things! I DO!
I LOVE my new headcollar & leadrope (blue being my favourite colour as you know!) & my lovely new rugs are warm, snug & cosy!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean I don't enjoy eating anymore! I DO!
Thank you though for soaking my hay, dampening my feed with hot water on these cold winter nights & feeding me things I can chew & digest easily!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean I'm not 'special' anymore! I AM!
I like it when you come to me first in the mornings to say hello & I like it when I am the first one to get his goodnight treat at bedtime!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean I don't want to join in anymore! I DO!
I can no longer jump & do the exciting stuff but I love a good canter or a gentle hack now & again & I really enjoy helping teach the tinies to ride!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean I don't know stuff! I DO!
I have probably won more rosettes in my time than most of the others on the yard put together & i still remember how to balance & carry myself to give the tinies a smooth, safe ride! Never had one yet get bounced off ME!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean I'm stupid! I'm NOT!
My knees may be dodgy but my brain works fine! I still enjoy pulling 'naughties' & amusing you with my antics but having spent so long around people, I also know when to be quiet, when to be still & how to comfort you when you need me to!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean I'm a nuisance! I'm NOT!
I KNOW you do it more than happily but that extra time you spend with me, cleaning my teeth every morning so food doesn't get stuck in the gaps, the daily applying of cream so I don't get a sore rear end, the extra care taken in drying me off when i'm wet...I've EARNED those extra minutes!

Just because I'm old...
...doesn't mean you don't owe me! You DO!
You owe me BIG TIME & I can feel safe & happy because I KNOW you know it too!

Hi, I have to say, I think your blog is brilliant.
It's brightened up my day! I now have it added to my favourites lol.
Litorio xx (From HHO)
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